Installation can be performed by:
- first cloning with
git clone
- then running
julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.activate("."); Pkg.instantiate()'
from the project root directory
Binary executables of the search server and clients can be built by running ./make.jl
from the build/
For information and examples over the usage of the search engine, visit the documentation.
This code has an MIT license.
This work could not have been possible without the great work of the people developing all the Julia packages and other technologies Garamond is based upon.
@misc{cofaru2019garamond, title={Garamond}, author={Corneliu, Cofaru and others}, year={2019}, publisher={GitHub}, howpublished={\url{}}, }
Garamond is at the moment under heavy development and much of the API and features are subject to change ¯\(ツ)/¯. Please file an issue to report a bug or request a feature.