沉淀一系列的 经过 Dataphin Merged MR 的开发规则, 统一开发规范, 提高代码的健壮性; 防范于未然;
所有人可以在这里补充 能够想象到的 lint 规则;
author: mickle.zy ruleName: slice-rule desc: warn the tip info when use slice in array ; 常量使用 slice 有风向, 改了之后 所有的 slice 需要重新改 example: .slice(0, 3)
author: mickle.zy ruleName: multi if warn enum desc: 多个 if 判断字符串的时候 可以提示使用 enum example:
if (filterItem.id === 'projectId') {
if (filterItem.id === 'physicalTableName') {
if (filterItem.id === 'summaryIndexCatalog') {
author: mickle.zy
ruleName: enum-annotate
desc: 枚举每一项都需要有注释;
author: huiying ruleName: 方法块的行数; desc: 方法块的行数限制
author: qiyang ruleName: 单个字符的变量, warn
author: mickle.zy ruleName: Boolean check desc: Use Boolean
// before
const showAll = selectedAttr !== "" ? true : false;
// after
const showAll = selectedAttr !== "";
author: mickle.zy ruleName: use more brief method desc: replace 'white' with '#fff'
// before
background: white;
// after
background: #F;
author: mickle.zy ruleName: Empty-string-checker desc: Empty character string, Judge
// before
const searchColumns = selectedAttr !== "" ? "xx" : "ff";
// after
const searchColumns = selectedAttr ? "xx" : "ff";
author: mickle.zy ruleName: length_0_chekcer desc: length 0 chekcer
// before
const searchColumns = value.length > 0 ? "xx" : "ff";
// after
const searchColumns = value.length ? "xx" : "ff";
author: mickle.zy, wuling ruleName: 源代码文件里面的全角半角检测。 desc: 代码文件里的全角半角检测
author: mickle.zy ruleName: Enum 命名规则;(官方 ts enum ) desc: enum 名称 首字母大写, 驼峰, enum 变量名 规范也用驼峰? 待定
// before
enum formType
// after
enum FormType
// before
enum FormType {
// after
enum FormType {
author: mickle.zy ruleName: callback handle name; desc: 回调函数 以 handle 开始
author: mickle.zy
desc: addListener 后, 要 remove 掉
author: mickle.zy ruleName: . desc: 如果有 多个 if (>4 个), 则用 switch 替换, (checkcase 固定的值)
author: mickle.zy ruleName: no-display-chinese-in-text desc: 中文是否仅存在于语言包中(显示的内容不能直接包含中文)
author: mickle.zy
desc: pages 里边 setState 需要有一条注释.
author: wuling
desc: 检验时间格式是否经过国际化处理