A collection of Metal and MetalKit projects and resources
- Metal by Example
- Metal by Example in Swift
- MetalKit.org
- Metal blog about compute
- Metal video course and blog posts
- Metal for deep learning
- Metal and neural networks
- Metal Charting
- charting library using metal
- Bezier Curves all Callculated in Metal
- Graph View
- Hand drawing
I don't know how to ogranize or name these. This can just be the default catch at the end of the page. Just dump links here if you don't have time to properly place. This all is an experiment in a shared Slack note. Everyone can and should edit to make better.
- Compute Kernels with Metal and Swift
- GPU Quaternions performance tests
- Signed Distance Function
- https://github.com/mdejong/MetalHuffman
- Atoms
- Dynamical stereo
- Marching cubes
- MandelBulbQuad
- Dynamical iOS
- iTerm2 metal rendering
- Fluid dynamics