This is a console-based application for managing restaurants, dishes, and categories. The application allows users to perform various operations, such as adding and removing categories, restaurants, and dishes, as well as displaying information in an organized manner.
- Create, view, update, and delete categories.
- Create, view, update, and delete restaurants associated with specific categories.
- Create, view, update, and delete dishes associated with specific restaurants and categories.
- Display information in an organized manner with options for sorting and filtering.
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
Open the solution in Visual Studio or your preferred C# IDE.
Run the application.
The main menu will display a list of categories. Select a category by entering its corresponding number.
Depending on the chosen category, you can:
- Add, remove, or view restaurants within the selected category.
- Add, remove, or view dishes within the selected restaurant and category.
Follow the prompts to input necessary information such as names, addresses, ratings, and ingredients.
Use the provided options to navigate through the application.