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Implementation of the defect level identification model for the paper A Machine Learning Approach for Enhancing Bridge Inspection Data Quality

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This repository contains the implementation of the defect level identification model described in the paper:
A Machine Learning Approach for Enhancing Bridge Inspection Data Quality.


The purpose of this repository is to demonstrate the organization and execution of the defect level identification model. Due to restrictions on the research data used in the paper, the dataset provided here is for demonstration purposes only. It illustrates how to structure your training, testing, and validation data for similar tasks.

Repository Contents

  • Script for handling and preprocessing dataset inputs.
  • The implementation of the defect level identification model.
  • Utility functions and tools.
  • The main script to execute the training and testing.
  • Script for training the a single base model.
  • configs.json: Configuration file for specifying model parameters, data paths, and other settings.
  • requirements.txt: Lists the dependencies required for the project.
  • Documentation of the repository.
  • data/: Directory for storing synthetic training, testing, and validation datasets.

Getting Started


Ensure you have the following installed:

  • Python 3.10 or higher
  • Required libraries (listed in requirements.txt)

To install the required dependencies, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Runing The Model:

First Clone the Repository:

git clone
cd Defect-Level-Identification

Then run the code:

python --config configs.json

Configuration Details

This section provides a detailed explanation of the configurations specified in the configs.json file.

General Configurations

Adjust there parameters according to your training settings.

  • batch_size
    The number of samples processed in one forward/backward pass during training. Adjust it based on your GPU RAM.

  • num_epochs
    The total number of training cycles the model will go through.

  • learning_rate
    The step size at which the model updates its parameters during training.

  • dropout_rate
    Dropout rate applied to prevent overfitting.

  • early_stopping_patience
    Number of epochs without improvement in validation performance before training stops early.

  • num_classes
    Number of output classes for the classification task.

  • max_grad_norm
    A gradient clipping parameter to prevent exploding gradients during training. Gradients are scaled to have a maximum norm of 1.0.


Adjust there parameters according to directories.

  • model_save_path
    Directory path where the trained models will be saved.

  • bert_path
    Path to the pre-trained BERT model used for feature extraction.

  • data_path
    Path to the directory containing training, validation, and testing datasets.

  • val_data_path
    File path to the validation dataset.

  • test_data_path
    File path to the testing dataset.

  • train_file_path
    Path to the training script used to run the model.

Sequence and Model Settings

Do not adjust there parameters unless you know what you are doing.

  • max_seq_len
    Maximum length of input sequences for the model. Longer sequences will be truncated.

  • projected_dim
    Dimension to which input embeddings are projected before further processing.

  • num_layers
    Number of layers in the model architecture.

  • growth_rate
    Growth rate for dense layers in the architecture.

  • transition_layers
    List specifying the dimensions for the transition layers in the model.

Parameters For the Customized Training Strategy

Try optimize these parameters based on experiments on your own dataset.

  • am_percentile
    Percentile value used in AM threshold calculations.

  • max_smoothing
    Maximum smoothing parameter for loss smoothing.

  • smoothing_scale
    Scale factor for loss smoothing.

  • hold_epoch
    Number of epochs before activating the dynamic partitioning.

  • num_base_learners
    Number of base learners used for ensemble.

Data Organization

Datasets Overview

There are two datasets provided for demonstration:

  • Training Data: Contains 9 fields.
  • Test/Validation Data: Contains 10 fields, with an additional Ambiguous column.

Feature Descriptions

Below is a detailed explanation of each input feature in the dataset:

Feature Explanation Data Type Example Value
Defect Description Text description of the defects. string At the edge of beam 17# and beam 18#, there are 3 instances of exposed reinforcement at the wet joints, each covering a 0.1m x 0.2m area.
Component The component where the defect is located. string Load-Bearing Component
Quantity Specified Indicates if the defect quantity is explicitly provided. boolean Yes (represented as 1)
Defect Quantity Specified quantity of the defects. integer 3
Dimension Specified Indicates if the defect dimension is explicitly provided. boolean Yes (represented as 1)
Defect Width Width of the defect (for crack-related defects only). Unit: mm. float 0.01 (i.e., 0.01mm)
Defect Length Length of the defect. Unit: mm. integer 100 (i.e., 100mm)
Defect Area Area of the defect. Unit: mm². integer 50000 (i.e., 50000mm²)
Defect Level Identified Level. integer 2
Ambiguous Whether the defect is ambiguous boolean Yes (represented as 1)


Implementation of the defect level identification model for the paper A Machine Learning Approach for Enhancing Bridge Inspection Data Quality






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