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Distractic edited this page Jan 19, 2024 · 4 revisions

This wiki lets you understand how to create a plugin using this template.



The Template project is the plugin. It can be built to test it locally or publish it on Thunderstore.

  • Create a DLL of the plugin to test locally.
  • Create a Thunderstore package to publish on Thunderstore.
  • Move the plugin and start the game automatically to test it on your computer.


The Test project in the solution allows you to test your plugin.

  • Test the plugin part that is unrelated to the game engine.


The publication is done automatically when a new release is created on GitHub through the CI/CD.


We're using GitHub Actions to build, test and publish the plugin.

  • Build each branch created to check if the plugin is valid.
  • Start Test execution when the build is successful.
  • Start Publish execution when a new release on GitHub is created.
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