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02 ‐ Create your plugin

Distractic edited this page Jan 20, 2024 · 4 revisions

Create repository

On this repository's home page, you can click on the Use this template button.



We're using release-please to automatize the release of the project.

You must enable Allow GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests in your new repository in Settings > Actions > General.

Create a Thunderstore team


This step is only necessary if you want to publish your plugin.

If you don't have a Thunderstore team, you can create a new one that will be the owner of your plugin.

Your plugin code will use The team's name as namespace.

Change values

Because this is a template, this repository has a lot of example values that need to be replaced.


Category Key Description Example
package namespace The name of the Thunderstore team "MyTeam"
package name The name of your plugin. (Once published, this name will be used as the plugin name in Thunderstore) "MyPlugin"
package description The description of your plugin "My awesome plugin"
package websiteUrl If you have a dedicated website for the plugin, take his URL, otherwise, you can use the GitHub ""
publish.categories lethal-company List of categories ["bepinex", "mods", "tools"]
  • Replace the icon file to set the image of your plugin on Thunderstore. The image must have a size of 256x256px.


  • Replace all references of YourThunderstoreTeam and Template in the code:
File Lines Description Value
Common.props Find the <RootNamespace>YourThunderstoreTeam</RootNamespace> line Namespace of the plugin The name of the Thunderstore team
Template project Find the namespace YourThunderstoreTeam... lines Import of the project's files The name of the namespace
Test project Find the namespace YourThunderstoreTeam... lines Import of the project's files The name of the namespace Find the # Template line Presentation that will be visible on Thunderstore The name of the plugin
LethalCompanyTemplate.sln Find the word Template Name of the plugin project folder The name of the plugin
LethalCompanyTemplate.sln Name of the file Name of the C# solution The name of your repository


The contains the log of changes for this template.

You need to remove its content without deleting the file.