As part of this release we had 13 issues closed.
Boxstarter version 3.0 marks the beginning of a new era of Boxstarter and Chocolatey.
Bug Fixes
- Unable to use Boxstarter when using a licensed version of Chocolatey - see #247
- Install-BoxstarterPackage and boxtarter.bat not behaving the same - see #423
- Prevent the $env:temp variable from being changed on every run of Install-BoxstarterPackage - see #442
- Parameter '-StopOnPackageFailure' should work without requiring parameter '-RebootCodes' - see #451
- Prevent error when installing more than one Chocolatey font package - see #455
- Use the installed version of Chocolatey rather than shipping chocolatey.dll as part of Boxstarter - see #394
- Add ability in Set-WindowsExplorerOptions cmdlet to allow for enabling and disabling of check boxes next to items - see #443
- Add Chocolatey specific metadata to all nuspec files - see #448
- Provide clarity about how Chocolatey is used/executed when running under Boxstarter - see #369