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Gjermund edited this page Jul 4, 2017 · 5 revisions

Here is the default configuration for the plugin.

auto_protect: true
environmental_damage: false
damage_while_riding: true
mount_on_command: true
auto_name: true
default_name: "&p's &w"
command_timeout: 5
save_interval: 60
message_prefix: ""
  ride: "&cYou are not allowed to ride this animal!"
  harm: "&cYou are not allowed to harm this animal!"
  permission: "&cYou do not have permission to perform this command!"
  unknown: "&7&oThis player is unknown."
  offline: "&7&oThis player is offline."
  add: "&7&o&p was added as a member of this &w."
  remove: "&7&o&p was removed as a member of this &w."
  owner: "&7&oThe owner of this &w was changed to &p."
  configuration: "&7&oThe configuration was reloaded successfully."
  rightclick: "&7&oRight click an animal to apply command."
  unname: "&7&oAnimal name removed."
  untame: "&7&oAnimal un-tamed."
  info1: "&8- &w -"
  info2: "&7Owner: &p"
  info3: "&7Members: &t"

Let's walk through the configuration options.

If this is true, animals will automatically be protected by the plugin (more finely controllable by permissions).

If this is true, animals will always take environmental damage.

If this is true, horses and other rideable animals will take environmental damage (for example fall damage and lava) only when a player is riding it. If it is false, the animal will always be protected from environmental damage. This is overridden by the environmental_damage option

If this is true, the player will mount a rideable animal even when having performed a command. If false, players will be kicked off the animal if they performed a command.

If this is true, the name of the animal will automatically be changed when the animal is tamed and when its owner is changed.

This specifies what format the automatic names should be in. Parameters for this is in the Messages section below.

This specifies how long, in seconds, the player has from performing a command to right click the animal to perform it.

This specifies how often, in seconds, the protections will be saved to the database file. If you are unsure, the default value should work well.

If specified, this will add any text you want in front of the the messages that the plugin sends.


The messages themselves are fairly straight forward. You are able to use normal colour codes in the text, but there are three additional special parameters. Any empty options will simply not be sent to the player.

&p will insert the name of the relevant player. For example, if you added a person to a protection, this will be the name of the person you added.
&w will insert the name of the relevant animal.
&t will, if applicable, insert the members of the animal as a comma-separated list.

The options info1 and so on are for each line of the information that comes up when using /tame info.

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