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Gjermund edited this page Jul 9, 2017 · 3 revisions


These animals will automatically be assigned to you when tamed in the normal vanilla ways:

  • Horse
  • Donkey
  • Mule
  • Wolf
  • Ocelot
  • Llama
  • Parrot

This animal will be given a name. This name will only be assigned either when the animal is tamed, or when the owner is changed. The name of any owned animal can be removed using /tame unname.

To add another player to your protected animal, use /tame add <username>, then right click the animal.

Similarly, you can remove a player with /tame remove <username>.

To transfer ownership of an animal, use /tame setowner <username>. The new owner has to be online for you to do this. Be careful using this, as it is not reversible.

To remove your ownership of an animal, effectively making it un-tamed, use /tame untame.

To view some detailed information about who owns this animal and who the members of it are, use /tame info.


When using this plugin, tameable animals will automatically be added to the system when interacted with so players can start using them right away. This automatic adding does not change the name of the animal.

As admins, depending on what permissions are set, you can use the same commands as players but also set owners and members for other players.

You can also use /tame reload to reload the plugin configuration.

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