Releases: icub-tech-iit/creo2urdf
Releases · icub-tech-iit/creo2urdf
What's Changed
- Update by @pattacini in #62
- Add Installation from binaries in the README by @Nicogene in #65
- Get joint information from element tree by @mfussi66 in #66
- Add the possibility to specify the output folder by @Nicogene in #68
- Add the possibility to specify the mesh format by @Nicogene in #69
- Add the support for prismatic joints by @Nicogene in #70
- Fix missing limits and dynamics in prismatic joints by @Nicogene in #72
- Make that exportAllUseradded option exports the frames w/ the original names by @Nicogene in #73
- Add Doxygen documentation and gh-pages action by @Nicogene in #75
Full Changelog: v0.4.1...v0.4.5
What's Changed
- Add ability to use a yaml and csv for configuration of the export by @mfussi66 in #44
- Added exportation of ft sensors frames and fix axis definition by @Nicogene in #46
- creo2urdf: add assignedCollisionGeometry parameter by @Nicogene in #47
- creo2urdf: add file dialog and damping/friction for the joint by @Nicogene in #49
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.4.0
What's Changed
- Update by @pattacini in #26
- Also install iDynTree from vcpkg by @traversaro in #20
- creo2urdf: remove ycm dependency, protk.dat generation, rest position of the joint by @Nicogene in #25
- Add first version of MVP-2 by @Nicogene in #30
- creo2urdf: refactor mvp2 by @Nicogene in #31
- Update doc for mvp2 by @Nicogene in #34
New Contributors
- @pattacini made their first contribution in #26
- @traversaro made their first contribution in #20
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0
[0.1.0] - 2023-05-10
- First version of
plugin working with the simple assembly with two links and one joint.
Full Changelog: