Built on https://github.com/abhinavsingh/proxy.py.git
Requirements (for Ubuntu 18.04):
- python3
- python3-venv
- python3-dev
- gcc
To run internal implementation for Ethereum tokens, start the proxy with:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 -m proxy --hostname --port 9090 --enable-web-server --plugins proxy.plugin.NeonRpcApiPlugin --num-workers=1
Then add network http://localhost:9090/solana
into MetaMask
The repository contains sources for several services with similar logic:
- proxy
- indexer
- gas-tank
GasTank is a service that analyzes transactions with NeonEVM instructions and looks for liquidity transfers into Neon accounts. The service provides users that make such transfers with gas-less transactions.
The service is configured via environment variables. Further to the common proxy environment, the service accepts the following variables:
URL to the faucet service for distributing NEON tokens to the users
A comma-separated list of ERC20ForSpl wrapped tokens for transfer (those transactions which trigger the service to allow gas-less transactions). The gas-tank looks for the first transfers of such tokens from Solana to Neon (those transfers that lead to the creation of Neon accounts).
A comma-separated list of Portal Bridge contracts.
An allow list of tokens for the transfer which will trigger the providing of gas-less transactions. This set should contain "tokenChain:tokenAddress", where:
is an original token chain number in terms of Portal bridge numberstokenAddress
is the address of the token in hexadecimal lowercase form with a '0x' prefix
Alt: provide the ANY value to accept any token.
A comma-separated list of Common ERC20 Bridge contracts.
An allowlist of tokens whose transfer triggers the providing of gas-less transactions. This set should contain ERC20 addresses separated by a comma. Alt: provide the ANY value to accept any token.
PORTAL_BRIDGE_CONTRACTS & PORTAL_BRIDGE_TOKENS_WHITELIST should both be specified. If either is missed, the gas-tank doesn't analyze Portal Bridge transfers.
ERC20_BRIDGE_CONTRACTS & ERC20_BRIDGE_TOKENS_WHITELIST should both be specified. If they are missed, the gas-tank doesn't analyze Common ERC20 Transfers.