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Releases: neonevm/


02 Feb 21:29
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Pre-mainnet release


02 Dec 19:33
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  • Fix problems with truncated logs in indexer
  • Fix problems with initialize of disabled operator resource


27 Nov 09:12
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  • Fix failure of Neon Indexer on zero gas-price
  • Fix failure of Neon Indexer on negative counter


23 Nov 13:14
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The first release has compatibility close enough to Ethereum.


10 Jan 13:03
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What's Changed

  • Reuse connection to Solana #417 by #418

Full Changelog: neonlabsorg/


10 Jan 13:03
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What's Changed

  • Introduced a metric "resp_time_ms" to understand how long the neon-proxy make a response by #401
  • Emulate solidity raise an exception #299 by #368
  • Fix indexer logging error #384 by #385
  • More ERC20Wrapper tests by #396
  • Create integration tests for airdropper #344 by #370
  • Do not create account if NEW_USER_AIRDROP_AMOUNT is zero #407 by #408
  • Implement the calculation create_program_address by python by #383
  • Add primary key to OPERATOR_COST table by #394
  • Fix: ethereum user cannot transfer eth to himself by #381
  • Added the argument "--token_mint" to emulate command by #404
  • Reduce the number of requests to solana rpc by #405

Full Changelog: neonlabsorg/


23 Dec 18:43
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What's Changed

  • Remove NEON token accounts from transaction neonlabsorg/neon-evm#420 by #371
  • Do not try to send create accounts trx if it was already sent #364 by #367
  • On bucked sending error process successfully sent transactions before return #366 by #369
  • Create SOL price provider for airdropper service #338 by #346

Full Changelog: neonlabsorg/


23 Dec 18:42
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998a4c6 - Introduce WRITE_TRANSACTION_COST_IN_DB environment variable to turn on or off this feature in neon-proxy
9a6f4af - neonlabsorg/neon-evm#404 faucet request neon in galans (#348)
2104148 - #360 tests for query account (#297)
a2dd8be - #358 introduced log neon cli debug env variable to add ' vvv' param in a command line of neon cli (#359)
d2f8817 - #349 improve neon proxy logging to filter a request and the corresponding response by 'method' (#350)
d5a5015 - #337 сreate base airdropper service (#343)
fa9e43e - #336 indexer refactoring (#340)
cf9112d - #318 fix error when JSON_RPC "params" field omitted (#322)
dea01f4 - #313 fix error with concurrent execution of solana program dump (#314)
ed83d90 - #320 add neon proxy version handler (#323)
08ebfbc - #319 add neon cli version handler (#325)
452a86d - neonlabsorg/neon-evm#371 Update STORAGE_ACCOUNT_INFO_LAYOUT (#315)
6f3cf9a - #311 Create account and airdrop on gas estimation if it's preset
4880060 - #305 Remove extra args from ether2program (#309)
6e1864e - #256 create and airdrop eth account (#259)
3c6f4bc - #289 implement eth_getStorageAt (#298)

Improvements in iterative transaction execution:
0f295e9 - #356 Use same instruction iterative as bucked (#357)
fff455e - #360 pass transaction too large upper (#361)
521696f - #354 Check result for errors (#355)
4045e90 - #295 iterative execution (#332)
a619b66 - #351 fix canceller droping running transactions (#352)
e74e568 - #291 Proxy refactoring (#324)
c7ef793 - #333 fix indexer errors (#334)


18 Nov 13:51
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Support NeonEVM v0.4.0

Changes to support NeonEVM:
21b3b63 - neonlabsorg/neon-evm#345 transfer to treasures on each iteration (#252)
86ab621 - #244 cancel with nonce (#254)
f952f56 - neonlabsorg/neon-evm#313 payment for spent gas at the end of each iteration (#236)
2aa4072 - #261 restrict write instruction (#215)

Implemented new functionality:
06b85c2 - #287 Rollback to simplified iterative transaction sending (#288)
1f6b2f1 - #246 Reject unprofitable transactions (min_gas_price) (#257)

Changes in deployment process:
379fbe5 - #249 Separate evm_loader deployment from proxy-model deployment (#271, #293)
984c8b7 - #269 use elf parameters instead of env vars (#270)
5cb42d5 - neonlabsorg/neon-evm#347 Use CHAIN_ID from elf parameters (#264)

Bug fixing:
a8eab63 - #272 Manage storage and holder accounts (#274)
7113c33 - #283 Fix problem with read receipt of canceled transaction (#284)
98507f8 - #279 Fix problem with simulate deploy transaction (#280)
88037e1 - #276 Fix problem with invalid is_writable flag for PDA account (#275)
1e4954b - neonlabsorg/neon-evm#355 Resize storage without existing code account (#263)
6c4471c - #239 Fix looping when not able to get result from transaction (#240)
5b8a479 - #268 Check type of result before parsing it as string (#286)
cf6b250 - #243 Database lock fixes (#261)
f635c1e - #265 indexer fixes (#266)

Improved build process:
130dc84 - neonlabsorg/neon-evm#166 Integration test for faucet service (166-faucet) (#161)
df02efd - #233 Implement test for resize storage account (#234)

NeonProxy v0.3.0-rc0

20 Oct 15:59
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Support NeonEVM v0.3.0-rc0

805cfae - #223 resize storage account (#231)
7bd0322 - #226 Authorized Operator Check (#232,#228)
2b79715 - #196 Find and Cancel hanged transactions (#229)
f1d88a6 - #213 imlementation of verifying nonce before simulation of transaction(#220)
9984def - neonlabsorg/neon-evm#288 Increase timeout before drop inactive connections (#225)
c093ed4 - #218 impl emulate deploy trx (#219)
cc6a40a - neonlabsorg/neon-evm#279 Create a separate token accounts for each ERC20 contract (#217)
62960aa - #210 eth_getLogs request implemetation (#214)
76c98f1 - #195 Blocks indexation (#207)
7ad99c2 - #205 web3_clientVersion handler has been added (#206)
f1edba4 - #198,#211 Fixed problem on launching develop stand (#212)
dc396ed - #208 Move cybercoredev -> neonlabsorg (#209)
b3b9d74 - neonlabsorg/neon-evm#207 Read/write account blocking (#188)
2c01770 - #192 Indexation module #200
8b8a8fa - neonlabsorg/neon-evm#180 Transfer used gas to operator when transaction had been canceled (#178)
32c3f53 - #197 Integration test for ERC20 wrapper contract (#201)
b2b28c9 - #202 Remove account creation on get balance (#203)
bf56943 - neonlabsorg/neon-evm#213 ERC20Wrapper (#190)
92b47e3 - #185 Use combined start/continue (#187)
1b7f4c8 - #182 Add a transfer test (#183)