Release 3.2.0
3.2.0 (2023-02-16)
- ⭐ add a new dashboard for logged-in users, showing running sessions, last accessed projects, and own datasets (#2286, #2332, #2302, #2307, #2303, #2320, #2304, #2330, #2305, #2333, #2305, #2350)
- show commit messages on the dropdown when starting a session (#2240, #2362)
- allow creating a new project with an avatar (#2181, #2331)
- remove the collaboration tab and add links to GitLab's issues and merge requests pages (#2256, #2365)
- make searches sharable by storing parameters in the URL (#2257, #2351)
Bug Fixes
- fix markdown to HTML conversion problems with underscores in links and math formulas (#1719, #2308, #2371, #2374)
- restore auto-starting a session when previewing a notebook (#2344)
- prevent failures when accessing datasets from the project header links (#2357)
- align elements correctly in the datasets file browser (#2318)
- sort commits to prevent random order (#2347)
We have upgraded the tooling we use to render notebooks, and this may affect how math expressions appear.
Depending on the context around math expressions, they may be rendered inline or as block expressions when shown in the RenkuLab UI. In JupyterLab (and RenkuLab in the past), math expressions are always rendered in separate blocks, but now in RenkuLab, expressions that are on the same line as text will be rendered inline, and you can choose how you wish them to be shown.
**Inline Expression**
Some text and an expression (inline) $$\frac{LE}{H} = \frac{L}{c_p} s = \frac{s}{\gamma}$$
**Block Expression**
Some text and an expression (block)
\frac{LE}{H} = \frac{L}{c_p} s = \frac{s}{\gamma}