This profile describes the site
GSQ uses site
to describe a (typically) physical location. Examples of site
- where the sample was collected
- where the borehole was drilled
- where the seismic line was shot
Figure 1. shows the template Site profile used by GSQ.
This profile is presented as a series of files that perform different roles:
- model/ - the model folder contains this profile's models in both graphical (SVG) and machine-readable, textual, form ( RDF turtle).
- shapes/ - folder containing SHACL shapes files used to validate data's conformance to this profile's model.
- profile.ttl - the profile declaration. A description of all of the items in this profile (the formal model, validating resources, documentation etc.) according to the W3C's Profiles Ontology which describes how all the parts related to one another, the roles they play (to give guidance for use, to validate data etc.) and how this profile profiles the various standards listed above.
Classes used in this profile:
- dct:title - report title
- dct:description
- dct:identifier - report number
- xxx:alias
- dct:created
- dct:issued - date of formal issuance (e.g., open file publication)
- dct:modified - most recent date on which the item was changed, updated or modified
- dct:creator - the author of the report
- dct:publisher - GSQ
- dct:contactPoint - GSQ contact
- prov:Agent
- rdfs:seeAlso - refers to secondary metadata
- FOAF document - a document with secondary metadata
- dct:Location - spatial coverage of the report expressed as lat/long, centroid, bounding box or simple polygon
Distribution properties not shown in the diagram:
No distribution properties for Site template
The content of this repository is licensed for use with the Creative Commons 4.0 License. See the license deed for details.
Geoscience Information Team, Geological Survey of Queensland, Department of Resources, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, [email protected]